
Nigeria School Fair Stampede Kills 35 Children

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작성자 Ines
댓글 0건 조회 28회 작성일 24-12-28 00:25



This aerial photo shows a basic view of the city of Ibadan in southwestern Nigeria, where the incident occurred


A stampede at a school funfair in the southwestern Nigerian city of Ibadan has actually killed 35 children and seriously hurt 6 others, authorities stated on Thursday.


The injured kids were getting medical attention following the incident, which occurred on Wednesday in Nigeria's third-largest city, Oyo State Police Command stated.

"8 individuals have actually considering that been apprehended for their various involvements", authorities spokesperson Adewale Osifeso stated in a declaration.

Among those detained was the main sponsor of the event at the Basorun Islamic High School, which was arranged by the Wings Foundation and Agidigbo FM radio.

The Homicide Section of the State Criminal Investigation Department has actually opened a probe, Osifeso added.

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in a statement "revealed profound unhappiness over the tragic occurrence".

He used his "sincere acknowledgements" to locals, state authorities and the "grieving families who have lost their beloved children".

He advised the "Oyo State government to take every needed step to avoid such a catastrophe from repeating", the declaration by the presidency added.

"Among the important actions are a comprehensive review of all public events' precaution, rigorous enforcement of safety guidelines, and routine safety audits of event locations," Tinubu added.

- 'Rest in peace' -

Nigeria has actually seen several fatal stampedes in recent months.

In March, two trainees passed away and 23 were hurt after being crushed as thousands collected free of charge bags of rice given out by local authorities at Nasarawa State University, in central Nigeria.

Later that month, another stampede eliminated 4 ladies who had actually been waiting outside the office of a wealthy businessman in the northern city of Bauchi to gather 5,000 naira ($3.40) money presents to help spend for food during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Witnesses stated members of the crowd pushed to acquire the cash, causing a stampede, as Nigeria faced its worst financial crisis in a generation.

Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde had actually shared his condolences for the Ibadan victims on X on Wednesday.

"Our hearts stay with the families and liked ones impacted by this catastrophe. May the souls of the departed rest in peace," said.

"We sympathise with the moms and dads whose delight has actually all of a sudden been turned to grieving due to these deaths," he included.


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