
Jatropha - Bio Energy Crop

페이지 정보

작성자 Kristine
댓글 0건 조회 41회 작성일 25-01-18 19:28



Jatropha is the plant with many potential benefits. As the fossil fuels are declining quickly and the carbon dioxide emission released from it pollutes the environment, the world is working towards an alternative fuel to overcome it.

The Jatropha curcas is the plant which can grow in semi dry region, little care is enough for its development. It grows both in topical and sub tropical area. The jatropha seed consists of 35 percent oil material in it. The oil from jatropha can be used as biodiesel mix as much as 20% without refining. The oil burns with clear smoke-free flame, and was evaluated effectively as a fuel for basic diesel engine. It is not a food crop since the oil is non-edible. The oil is used as a standard medicine disinfectant and to treat diseases like cancer, stacks, snakebite, etc. The seed oil is likewise used for lighting and in soap preparation. It is rarely utilized as a live fence in avoiding crops from animals and it sometimes utilized as residential or commercial property demarcation. It reduces the soil erosion.


The optimal growing conditions for the Jatropha plant ranges from 1000 to1500 mm annual rains, with temperatures of 20 to 28 C. The soil needs to be totally free draining pipes without any water logging. But adequate water and nutrition is a should for high yield. The jatropha is easy to grow and it can bear the seeds within a year of planting. It offers oxygen for the planet and it can grow even in poor soil. It can not stand up to frost.



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